Wisconsin Statutes (Sections 95.21(2), 174.05, and 174.07(1)(b)) require all dogs that are 5 (five) months of age or older to be licensed. The owner of the dog must obtain a license annually prior to April 1st for the current year, OR, on or before the date the dog becomes 5 (five) months of age. Failure to obtain a license prior to the April 1st deadline will result in a $7.00 late fee per license unless the owner acquired the dog within 30 days of the owner’s application for a dog license. A dog license may NOT be transferred from one dog to another. Dog licenses are obtained from the Town Clerk-Treasurer, typically at the same time the property taxes are paid in December or January, however, a dog license for the current year should be obtained on or before the date the dog becomes 5 (five) months of age. You may provide the required information by mailing it to W3005 County Road G, Cedar Grove, WI 53013, by depositing it the Town’s 24/7 drop box located at the Town Hall, or by visiting the Clerk-Treasurer during office hours.
The following information is required to obtain a dog license:
1. Owner’s name, address, and telephone number
2. Dog’s name, color, breed, and sex
3. Proof of current rabies vaccination
4. Applicable fee payment (see below)
5. A self‐addressed and stamped envelope
Every owner of a dog more than five months of age on January 1, or attaining the age of five months during the license year, must pay the dog license tax and obtain a license. The license year commences on January 1 and ends the following December 31. If a dog attains the age of five months on July 1 or later, the license tax charged for this initial year shall be 1/2 the full-year license tax rate. If the owner fails to obtain a license prior to April 1, of each year or within 30 days of acquiring ownership of a licensable dog, or within 20 days of a dog attaining the age of five months, a late fee shall be charged. The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall collect the late fee established by resolution. Proof of rabies vaccination is required to obtain a dog license.
Rates for 2025 dog licenses are as follows:
Unneutered males or unspayed females ‐ $14.00
Neutered males or spayed females ‐ $7.00