PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: Change of Holland Town Board Regular Monthly Meeting Start Time and Clerk-Treasurer Regular Office Hours Effective 12/1/2024!

Regular monthly meetings of the Holland Town Board, which are held on the second Monday of each month unless otherwise scheduled, will have a new regular start time of 6:30pm, effective 12/1/2024.

Regular office hours of the Clerk-Treasurer are also changing. The office of the Clerk-Treasurer will be open to the public during the following hours, effective 12/1/2024: Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays from 9am-12pm. And by appointment.

Please note that Holland Plan Commission meetings, which are held on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise scheduled or cancelled, will continue to have a regular meeting start time of 7:30pm.

Janelle Kaiser, Clerk-Treasurer
Phone: 920-668-6625 Email:
