If you are about to start a building project, and are unsure of whether a permit is required, please read the Town’s FAQ document about building permits HERE. Contact Zoning Administrator Janelle Kaiser or Building Inspector Tom Huenink with any questions. Contact information can be found HERE. Fees may be doubled if work starts before obtaining a permit.
PLEASE NOTE: Sheboygan County requires all applicants to first provide documentation to the County Planning & Conservation Department verifying the location of the existing septic tank and absorption area as it relates to the addition to the existing structure or proposed accessory structure so the Department can confirm that the proper setbacks between the building system components are met and that the existing septic system will not be adversely affected by the construction. Town building permits will not be issued without letter from Sheboygan County confirming your compliance with these requirements.
PERMIT FEES: Please refer to the Town Fee Schedule.
Building, Driveway, Electrical, HVAC, and Town Road Right-Of-Way (Agricultural Use) Permit Applications
- Building or Razing Permit Application – RESIDENTIAL
- Building Permit Application – COMMERCIAL
- Driveway Permit Application (Town roads only)
- Electrical Permit Application – RESIDENTIAL
- HVAC and/or Plumbing Permit Application – RESIDENTIAL
- Town Road Right-Of-Way (Agricultural Use Only) Permit Application
- Utility Permit
- Wisconsin Uniform Building Permit Application
- Building Permit Process for Accessory Structures, Garages, and Sheds
Information About Commercial Building Permits (applies to any new structure, structure use conversion to commercial, or alteration to a commercial structure):
A commercial building is one that is used in whole or in part as a place of resort, assemblage, lodging, trade, traffic, occupancy, or that the public or employees use or that has three or more residential units. For such buildings, a state plan review approval letter or permission to start letter from the Division of Industry Services must be received by the Town before a local building permit may be issued.
What are the owner’s responsibilities as it pertains to compliance with commercial building code? The owner is responsible for:
- Obtaining state approval and local permits.
- Hiring competent designers and contractors.
- Providing accurate information to the designer regarding the intended use of the building and any changes in use.
- Providing DSPS the name of a supervising professional that monitors the project.
- Correcting code non-compliances.
- Meeting requirements of other state agencies.
- Maintaining the building per applicable codes.
- Keeping proof of approval at the building.
The State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services provides the following handouts to help address questions related to commercial building code requirements and exemptions:
Building Plan Review and Inspection Brochure